Media and Speaking Engagements


After taking a long break (yes, admittedly work/life balance is a challenge for me), the last month has been a great return to speaking and making more public appearances:

1. In September, I presented a session about the Impact of Diversity, Inclusion, and Ethics on Today's Workplace for the Valley United Way. They were a great group with great feedback:
Your presentation was great! Many class members are still talking about it.
Patricia Tarasovic, Director, Valley United Way


2. Strategies for Confronting Ageism in the Workplace (Natalie's radio interview with the New Haven Independent)


3. Business Innovators Interview: In this interview I revealed a few secrets about where the law does and does not protect you as an employee.

4. My article Knocking Down the Costly Top Five Barriers to Diversity and Inclusion in Your Organization has gotten some good traction on the internet.



